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- Cyandream Sentro Knitting Machine 32 Needles Knitting Machine Mushroom Smart Double Needles Knitting Loom Machines for Kids and Beginners,Circular Kni
臨床医学外科系全般, エアロパーツ, うるち米、玄米, パワーグリップ、グローブ
Cyandream Sentro Knitting Machine 32 Needles Knitting Machine Mushroom Smart Double Needles Knitting Loom Machines for Kids and Beginners,Circular Kni
・Sentro 32 Needles Knitting MachineNew Upgrade Fun Sentro 32 pin knitting machines with pink mushroom lid, forming a adore mushroom house, This sentro knitting machine is a practical and very fun toy, you can create some cute and interesting patterns and knit what you and your kids want and have fun while developing your hand-eye coordination.
・Premium MaterialsThe knitting machine is made of high-quality ABS plastic materials, sturdy and durable, safe and reliable, lightweight and portable, easy to operate. 32 pin knitting machine kits is equipped with crochet, 3 hand needles, thread holder, wool yarns (4 bundles of wool, 2 large and 2 small), accessory kit (4 suction cups, 4 screws 1 non-slip pad), Perfect for beginners, crochet and handicraft enthusiasts, enjoy the production process while reducing anxiety and stress
・Multi-functional Knitting MachineThis manual circular knitting machine has dual modes to meet you multiple needs.It has a tube/panel weave conversion key,which can be easily converted with one key. T:You can knit round items such as hats,socks,gloves, plush toys,etc. P: It can knit sheet items, such as scarves, bags, sweaters,etc.Our knitting machine has 4 adjustable yarn densities,which makes the stitches of the fabric more coordinated and smoothly and is not easily stuck or dropped stitches.
・Easy to Use & Operate?Sentro knitting machine 32 needles can achieve quick knitting, easy to learn and use circular looms, and faster than traditional knitting, handle turns smooth, create a flat or round stitch in seconds with hand crank operation. Just thread the yarn into the spindles and turn the crank to making some nice and fashion knitted items like hats, scarves, gloves, socks, leg warmers, clothes, winter warm supplies, etc
・Delicate GiftsSentro 32 needles knitting machines can be used for Birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Year gifts, spinning crochet loom knitting machine not only is a beautiful gifts, which also is a fun knitted toy, the circular crochet knitting machine enhances the ability of parents to interact with children and the ability of children. And make a gift to your parents and friends, and it is ideal for beginners and artisan.
SENTRO 32 Needles Knitting Machine
This 32 needle knitting kit machine can help you easily and quickly knit your own unique fashion accessories, such as hats, scarves, socks, ear warmer, mitten, bag, knit toys ect. You can make the handmade gift for your kids,parents,lover and friends.
The knitting mahcine is also a perfect gift for your children,friends and neighbors.It can bring happiness.
A must-have for knitting enthusiasts, crocheter beginners and experienced knitters
Great for kids & beginner knitters
This knitting machine is easy to be used to create a flat or round needle in seconds with a manual crank operation. You just thread the yarn into the spindle and then turn the crank to weave your cool fashion accessories such as Leg sleeves, hats, scarves, gloves, socks and clothes
Only need three steps you can get a beautiful knitted product
*Step 1*
Leave a 30 cm long yarn in the middle of the machine (The best yarn size is 3# and 4#.)hang the yarn on the white crochet, and wrap the thread around the crochet. (The first lap is to ensure that each needle is crossed on the crochet, otherwise the needle will be dropped. You need to re-first lap)
*Step 2*
After completing a lap, come out from the yarn guide. Put the yarn into the tension lever. (In the first three to four laps of knitting, the handle should be shaken at a constant speed to ensure that no needles fall.)
*Step 3*
After completing the above steps, you can shake the handle clockwise until it is finished. ( Please do not shake the handle excessively or operate at too fast speed, otherwise the machine will be damaged or the needle will be dropped.)
After the first loop of hanging the yarn, pay attention to the yarn should pass through the yarn guide opening and be placed in the groove, and shouldn't float on the surface. This is also one of the reasons why many customers drop stitches.
メーカー: Cyandream
ブランド: Cyandream
高さ: 28.6 センチ
幅: 27.8 センチ
奥行: 27.2 センチ
重量: 1.7 Kg
Cyandream Sentro Knitting Machine 32 Needles Knitting Machine Mushroom Smart Double Needles Knitting Loom Machines for Kids and Beginners,Circular
Sentro Knitting Machine
Smart Weaving Loom Knitting Machine for Adults or Kids
Cyandream Sentro Knitting Machine 32 Needles Knitting Machine Mushroom Smart Double Needles Knitting Loom Machines for Kids and Beginners,Circular
SENTRO Smart Weaving Knitting Machine - DIY Knitting Loom for Adults and Kids
Buy knitting machines Online in KUWAIT at Low Prices at
Cyandream Sentro Knitting Machine 32 Needles Knitting Machine Mushroom Smart Double Needles Knitting Loom Machines for Kids and Beginners,Circular
: Cyandream Sentro Knitting Machine 32 Needles
Sentro Knitting Machine for Beginners: Knit a Reversible Hat
Cyandream Sentro Knitting Machine 32 Needles Knitting Machine Mushroom Smart
Knitting Machine for Beginners: How to Use The Sentro 48
クチコミ評価(4.8 / 1102件)
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- ぼるママ
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我が家のパスタはこれにかぎります!カフェで働いていたときもつかっていました☆ こしもあって美味しいです!
- 52kc
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娘の小学校用に購入しました。 思っていたより生地が良く、着やすそうです。 娘も気に入っています。
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初めての香りですが、甘めの香りでとっても好きです。我が家の定番になりそうです。 香りの広がりもありリビングや玄関娘の部屋にも置きました。リピートします。
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