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- (Black) - HITO Silent Non-ticking Wall Clock- Metal Frame Glass Cover, 25cm (Black)並行輸入
キッチン, アイロン台, タブレットPCケース, ゴミ箱、ダストボックス
(Black) - HITO Silent Non-ticking Wall Clock- Metal Frame Glass Cover, 25cm (Black)並行輸入
・hito colorful wall clocks come with large white numbers and hands, while white clocks come with huge black numbers and hands. And yes, glass front cover. All this makes hito wall clock beautiful, stylish and easy to read.
・hito silent wall clocks modern also serve as kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom and office wall decor.
・Contemporary, modern and classic hito wall clock is a piece of wall art. hito whisper quiet wall clock brings colors, tranquillity and smiles to your room and life.
・hito small wall clock 10 inch is battery operated by one AA battery (not included). Brand new battery can last about 1 year.
説明: If you’re looking for a wall clock replacement and haven’t heard of a SILENT wall clock, or you get tired of the tick tock noise, especially during night when trying to sleep, try hito silent wall clocks. If you want to buy a silent wall clock and don’t know how to choose on the internet, try hito wall clocks. hito silent wall clock uses the first-class quartz movement (the heart of a wall clock) from the source, much better than average on the market. hito sells really silent wall clocks. And hito has sold silent wall clocks for more than 9 years, has many repeated customers from offices, schools and hospitals, is a reliable silent wall clock supplier.
This contemporary and elegant hito wall clock composed of silent movement, silver aluminum frame, glass front cover and PVC dial face. Kind notice: glass feels colder than plastic and is fragile.
Also kindly note that temperature and humidity gauges on a wall clock are not as accurate as professional meters. We don't sell the two gauges but only see them as decorations to the clock dial.
hito wall clock comes with 180-day .
カテゴリー: 時計
ブランド: delete
高さ: 25.7 センチ
幅: 25.6 センチ
奥行: 5.6 センチ
重量: 0.6 Kg
: hito 10 Inch Silent Wall Clock Battery Operated
: HITO 10\" Silent Wall Clock Battery Operated Non
: HITO 10 Inch Silent Wall Clock Battery Operated
: HITO Silent Non Ticking Wall Clock10 inch Sweep
WOOPHEN 12 Inch Silent Non Ticking Wall Clock Sweep Movement Silver Aluminum Frame Glass Cover, for Office, Home, Bathroom, Kitchen, Bedroom, School,
Bernhard Products Black Wall Clock Silent Non Ticking 10
HITO 12 Inch Silent Wall Clock Battery Operated Non Ticking Glass Cover Silve
HITO 10 Inch Silent Wall Clock Battery Operated Non Ticking Glass Cover Silve | eBay
: HITO 10 Inch Silent Wall Clock Battery Operated
クチコミ評価(4.9 / 355件)
- MaKkhi
- クチコミ投稿 1件
はちみつの香りのシャンプーを探しており 年齢とともに髪の毛が腰がなくなり 今回 使用後は少し 張りが出てきたように 感じます。 今回お試しで購入。 かおりは はちみつ そのものの香りではないように感じますが、色々と良い成分が入ってるのだと思います。
- マムブ-
- クチコミ投稿 1件
- hrk2866
- クチコミ投稿 1件
- nao5736
- クチコミ投稿 1件
- suMoMo
- クチコミ投稿 1件
着用して2か月たたないくらいで 首元が伸びてきてしまいましたが値段相当ですね。 着ている姿はとっても可愛いです(o^^o)
- kuma-koro
- クチコミ投稿 1件
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